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Scaling Buffer (Endurance Mode)

The Endurance Mode Scaling Buffer Guide

PipFarm avatar
Written by PipFarm
Updated today


The Endurance Mode program works with the Scaling Buffer feature, where 50% of the profit is withheld until the Smart Scaling target is reached. When you reach the target, all profit is paid, and your new scaled account is created.

If you breach before scaling, the profit in your Simulated Account is covered by our Payout Protection Policy.

How the Scaling Buffer works

50% of the profit in the funded account will be retained as a buffer until the cumulative profit target is reached. The buffer is 50% of the current profit, not the total profit and updates after each balance change. The value is not fixed or locked. The buffer is recalculated each time a payout is requested.

Example #1

Suppose you have a $100,000 Simulated Account and generate a $2,000 profit. In this case, you can request a payout of $1,000, which is 50% of the current profit. The remaining 50% will stay in the account as a buffer until reaching your Smart Scaling Target, or 50% can be withdrawn for your next payout request.

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